The nine projects below provide a compact overview of my experience. In addition to these nine projects, I have also carried out assignments for, amongst others, Aon, Gasunie, Windesheim, UWV, Agens, RAI, Microsoft, Rijkswaterstaat, Ministry of the Interior, Ziggo, Asito, Isolectra, Kadaster, Delta, Bilfinger Industrial Services and Rabo Bouwfonds.
In the summary of these projects, the term “we” refers to the project team of which I was a part. My role in all these projects has been project or program manager and lead consultant.
As part of its strategy, TNO wanted to further streamline its operations. Together with TNO, we carried out a three-part program address this strategic priority: (1) developing their own improvement philosophy and method; (2) training 21 TNO improvement specialists; and (3) performing multiple waves with a total of 35 improvement projects.
The Vitens project took place at the boundary between improvement and renewal. Vitens had the strategic ambition to align the organization more to its business processes. Together with Vitens, we developed an improvement and change methodology and applied this in specific improvement and renewal initiatives.
At NHTV we implemented a program aimed at improving the internal services to support the educational goals. The program consisted of several improvement projects. In parallel, we supervised project teams in project-based work and introduced project portfolio management on the change portfolio.
Accell Group is the producer of bike brands such as Batavus, Sparta and Koga. As part of the strategic plan we designed and implemented, side by side with Accell Group, a worldwide organization for one of its strategic business units, thereby realizing growth and synergy objectives.
Within an extensive transition program, we supported board and management team members of APG in their role within this transition. This was accomplished by formulating a change vision, developing change competencies, and implementing master classes, peer-to-peer coaching, individual coaching and workshops focused on team development.
Together with the Dutch Police, we developed a vision on information products for district-bound police. The vision was realised by bottom- up involvement of district agents and their managers. The vision was subsequently translated into an implementation program, in which various information products were realized.
BDR Thermea is a world leader in smart climate solutions. In close cooperation with BDR Thermea, we developed and implemented a program to innovate the way new products are developed. This new methodology was rolled out with the involvement of around 600 employees in eight countries.
Digital Mobility was a program for stimulating place- and time- independent work within small and medium-sized enterprises in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. More than 100 entrepreneurs have used the program consisting of organizational support and products from Microsoft, Vodafone, UPC, Regus and the NS.
Commissioned by Waterrecreatie Nederland, we developed a vision on water recreation in 2025 in collaboration with various public and private parties. The vision came about through various expert meetings and involvement of the general public. The vision was subsequently translated into an implementation program that had wide support within the sector.